This year the festival theme is inspired by water; we’ve chosen ‘Sea Change’ as it reflects the environmental and social changes we face and have faced this year.
Looking for inspiration? Here’s some ideas to get you started.
A profound and notable transformation
A significant change in lifestyle
A change brought about from the sea
What do you think of when you think of water? It might be creatures, a special place, the weather, a drink! Perhaps you will use water to make images or sounds.
Where do you see change? What change do you want to see? What unites us and what divides us, quite like the sea? How have you changed this year?
In whatever your art form; from songwriting, poetry or spoken word to film, photography, digital or visual arts, whether it’s music, dance or theatre, we’d love to see what you create. Maybe you’ll take a photo or write a song with your take on the theme, or share something you made during lockdown. Knit a fish, craft a coral reef or paint a picture of your inspiration.
Take a look at our blog for more inspiring arts and water projects.